Top-level heading

Course Catalogue

Bachelors degree programmes (three years duration)


Applied computer science and artificial intelligence

Bioinformatics (in cooperation with the Faculties of Mathematics, Physics, and Natural Sciences and of Pharmacy and Medicine)

Communication Engineering

Computer and System Engineering

Electronics Engineering


Informatics (Distance Learning Degree - in cooperation with Unitelma University)

Information Engineering (Town of Latina)

Management Engineering

Statistics for Management

Statistics, Economics and Society

Statistics, Economics, Finance and Insurance


Masters degree programmes (two years duration)


Actuarial and Financial Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Biomedical Engineering (in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering)

Communication Engineering

Computer Science

Control engineering (in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering)


Data Science

Electronics Engineering

Engineering in Computer Science

Management Engineering (in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering)

Nanotechnology Engineering (in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering)

Product Design (in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture)

Statistical Methods and Applications

Statistical Sciences


PhD Programmes


The PhD Programmes are managed directly by the Departments. For further details please refer to the Departments pages.

Master Courses

Professional Master Courses are post-graduate courses designed to offer scientific specialisation and advanced training to students or professionals who wish to obtain new qualifications. The courses, which are mainly held in Italian, are designed to provide specific professional knowledge and skills in a wide range of fields.