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Greetings from the Dean at the beginning of the academic year

Dear Students,
let me express my most heartfelt wishes for this academic year 2020-2021!

On Monday, 5 October the lessons of the first term will start for all the Degree Programmes of the Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics and Statistics (I3S).

The recent effort made by the University, also in financial terms, has been considerable in order to ensure teaching in the academic year 2020-2021 could return to its natural habitat, the classroom, since the beginning, after the experience of online teaching which characterized the second term of the academic year 2019-2020. The results have been very encouraging, thanks to the laudable commitment of professors and students.

All the teachings scheduled for the first term of the academic year 2020-2021, regardless of the year of the course, will be offered "in-person" and will be available to the students either "in-person", in compliance with the necessary safety measures (in particular, due to the reduced capacity of classrooms), and online, synchronously.

Following the decisions of the University, thanks to the dedication and professionalism of its technical and administrative staff, in a short time, the I3S Faculty has equipped the classrooms with multimedia tools. Furthermore, a programmed access to the classrooms through an specially designed online reservation system, also accessible from smartphones, regardless of the year of enrolment, will ensure the students the opportunity to take advantage from a period, the maximum possible, of “in-person” teaching".

I address a special thought to the students who in the coming days will start a new Degree Programme, either a Bachelor’s Degree or a Master’s Degree Programme. Either way, this is an important start, following a choice made, in these weeks, after the unusual “online” conclusion of the previous degree programme.

Jointly with the Directors of the Departments of the I3S Faculty, I ensure the freshmen of the Degree Programmes who will soon access the facilities of this University (classrooms, libraries, laboratories, etc.) for the first time, the total commitment of the teaching, technical and administrative staff and librarians, in order that the reception meets the student’s needs and expectations.

The aim of a regular “in-person” teaching in compliance with the highest safety conditions, in the current emergency situation related to the Covid-19 epidemic, first of all implies that the key players of the educational activity, students and professors, are provided with all the necessary information to which constant attention will be directed.

Besides numerous references to the University website regarding many general aspects, the I3S Faculty’s website, contains important information which is constantly updated (start of classes, online connection to the classrooms, access procedures to the University facilities, seat reservation, etc.). For all specific information about a Degree Programme and its relative educational activities I invite you to refer to the Catalogue of the Degree Programmes, available on the Home page of the University website, as well as on the website of the Department which is responsible for the Degree Programme.

I am certain that despite the many initial difficulties, the "challenge" of the new blended teaching will turn out to be successful and that once this goal will be achieved, the enthusiasm and the high ability of the youngest to adapt to change will be crucial.

With my best wishes to all of you for the year ahead.

Dean Fabio Grasso