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Requisiti accademici e linguistici

Students who have accrued the minimum number of credits indicated in the call, established on the basis of the year of graduation, can apply for the notice of the Faculty of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Statistics. Exams will be taken into consideration if recorded on Infostud, or subject to self-certification if registered but not recorded.

Participation in the call requires a minimum level of A2.
Language proficiency must be demonstrated:
1. with the test(s) passed in one of the sessions of November 2021, January or February 2022, at the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA), before concluding the online application;
2. with the possession of one of the requirements that allow the exemption:
   1) have passed the language assessment test at the CLA for the candidacy for the competition prior to the current year;
   2) be a native speaker of the language chosen for the purpose of the mobility;
   3) have achieved a minimum level of linguistic proficiency equal to level A2, attested by an official certificate issued by one of the Certifying Bodies envisaged in the CEFR equivalence table, as per Annex 1, for the chosen language(s) and for mobility purposes
   4) be enrolled in study programs entirely taught in English at La Sapienza if English is the language required for the purposes of the mobility;
   5) have obtained a high school diploma from an international high school recognized by the MUR for English, French (ESABAC diploma), German, Spanish or Portuguese (the high school diploma from an international high school corresponds to level B2).
   6) Being bilingual where the second language is the one chosen for the purposes of mobility (the quality of bilingual subject is recognized to those who have completed at least the entire cycle of elementary and secondary education in the Regions with special statute or in the autonomous Provinces in which bilingualism is in force according to the regional statute in force). Students who intend to take advantage of this exemption can declare it with a self-certification.
The tests or other certifications that allow for exemption must be passed/obtained before concluding the online application.
PLEASE NOTE: the CLA test does not exempt the student from verifying and complying with the language requirements required by the destination University, which the student is required to comply with otherwise he will not be able to take advantage of the mobility at that location. What does it mean in practice? The test carried out at the CLA is mandatory and necessary for enrollment in the call. Once the latter has been won, and therefore the location has been chosen, it is possible that the host university requires a language level higher than A2 (indicated in the notice). Admission to the destination institution can only be completed if in possession of certifications and/or test results with the required language level.