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(Art. 12 of the Sapienza Statute)

The Faculty Committee identifies the targets to be reached in the three-year period and for each academic year and draws up every year a report on the teaching and research achievements of the Faculty Departments, on the basis of the Monitoring Committee report. The Faculty Committee has deliberative powers on all the other duties of the Faculty, including the administration of funds awarded to the Faculty and the logistic coordination of teaching activities. The Committee is chaired by the Dean and is made up of the Heads of the Faculty Departments, of student representatives, of teachers appointed among the members of the Commissions of the relating Departments, or among the Study Programme, Programme Area Council and PhD Coordinators. The Committee usually meets on a monthly basis.

Members of the Faculty Committee:

Full professors

  • Tiziana Calamoneri
  • Tiziana Catarci
  • Marcella Corsi
  • Fabrizio Frezza
  • Fabio Grasso
  • Marco Listanti
  • Alessandro Mei
  • Alberto Nastasi
  • Maurizio Vichi

Associate professors

  • Silvia Bonomi
  • Emiliano Casalicchio
  • Antonio D’Alessandro
  • Fiorenza Deriu
  • Vincenzo Ferrara
  • Umberto Ferraro Petrillo
  • Emanuele Panizzi
  • Massimo Roma


  • Danilo Avola
  • Francesco Centurelli
  • Alessandro Falaschi
  • Isabella Lari
  • Andrea Marrella
  • Salvatore Pontarelli
  • Monia Ranalli
  • Jlenia Toppi

Administrative personnel

  • Gianluca Checchini
  • Silvana D'Antone


  • Althea Morla Alcantara
  • Alice Gabrieli
  • Valerio Tomassetti
  • Lorenzo Vagni