Top-level heading


(Art. 12 of the Sapienza Statute)
The Monitoring Committee supports both the Quality Team and the teaching and research University Evaluation Committee. The Monitoring Committee also monitors quality assurance processes, ensures the proper information flow from/to the University Quality Assurance Committee, the University Assessment Unit and the Joint Committee, proposes to the University Quality Assurance Committee some Quality Assurance tools, supports the Study Programme, the University Quality Assurance Committee, the Heads of Departments for Quality Assurance activities.

Members of the teaching and scientific Monitoring Committee


  • Prof. Fabio Nonino (President)
  • Prof. Paolo Giulio Franciosa
  • Prof. Annalisa Massini
  • Prof. Luca Passalacqua
  • Prof. Febo Cincotti
  • Prof. Alessandro Galli
  • Prof. Vincenzo Eramo
  • Prof. Andrea Sterbini


  • Alessandro Mirto
  • Andrea Tarricone

Faculty Teaching Manager

  • Dr. Antonella Palombo