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Info per vincitori

The student must
1) confirm acceptance of the Erasmus+ scholarship and specify the starting semester, following the instructions that will be published together with the ranking;
2) wait for the Erasmus office of the faculty to send the nomination to the host university which will inform the candidate via email;
3) scrupulously follow the instructions provided by the Erasmus office regarding the procedure to follow for the stipulation and signature of the contract.
4) continue with the compilation of the Application Form, indicated on the website of the host university, paying attention to compliance with the deadlines.
At this stage it is necessary to proceed with the "Learning Agreement" (LA), the official study plan to be carried out abroad (available online on the student's personal page which will be activated only after the acceptance of the scholarship and the nomination made by the Erasmus office). On the Learning Agreement, the student must enter the departure date and the names of the courses to be taken abroad and of the Italian courses for which the student will request equivalence (even more foreign courses for each Italian course) with the relative number of credits for each foreign and Italian course. Important: the number of credits of exams to be taken abroad must be greater than or equal to the number of credits of exams in the study plan in Italy.

Changes to the study plan presented in the application are permitted only in cases of real need (for example in the event of changes to the offer by the host university).

The Learning Agreement (LA) must be prepared by the student online and is subsequently approved online by the Erasmus Mobility Academic Manager (RAM). The LA is then signed and stamped by the RAEF (Email:
If there is a need to make changes with respect to what is indicated in the Learning Agreement, the student must fill in the variation form of the educational program ("Change form") by inserting it in his personal page. Only after having uploaded the Learning agreement complete with signature, the student will be able to fill in the Change form.

The Change form is approved by RAM online. If the host University requires the signature, this is affixed by the RAEF.
Once the exams have been taken, the host university will issue the so-called "Transcript of Records" (i.e. the official document containing the exams taken and the marks obtained).
Validation upon return: procedure for the recognition of exams
The recognition of exams taken abroad takes place through a computerized procedure.
The RAM intervenes at the end of the process, AFTER the transcript of records has been loaded into the system and validated. At this point, the RAM validates the exams taken abroad in specific periods of the year (from 2 to a maximum of 3 weeks before the deadline for submitting the degree application).
The conversion of grades will be carried out on the basis of the data produced by the University and available at this link (conversion table):