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Grace Hopper Celebration

The Anita Borg Institute and the Association for Computing Machinery is glad to invite Universita' di Roma La Sapienza to participate in the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC),October 2 - 5, 2013 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minnesota.

GHC is the world’s largest gathering of technical women in computing.  Technical women gather to network, find or be mentors, create collaborative proposals, and increase the visibility of women’s contributions to computing. We are expecting over 4,000 attendees this year. Here are some ways you, other faculty, and students can participate in GHC:

GHC Scholarships for Students and Faculty – Application Deadline: May 15th

Undergraduate, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from around the world are encouraged to apply. The GHC Scholarships for students cover a combination of conference registration, meals, lodging, and fixed amount of travel reimbursement funds. Faculty, at all levels, are also encouraged to apply. The GHC Scholarship for faculty covers conference registration only.

‘ABI’ Awards given at GHC – Nomination Deadline: May 15th

Nominate a colleague for one of the awards given at GHC:

·         ‘ABI’ Award for Social Impact

·         ‘ABI’ Award for Technical Leadership

·         ‘ABI’ Denice Denton Emerging Leader Award

·         ‘ABI’ A. Richard Newton Educator Award

·         ‘ABI’ Change Agent Awards


Academic Sponsorships: Sign up online by July 12th

Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorship packages are available. Sponsors will be able to:

·         Register an unlimited number of students for the conference at a discounted rate

·         Recruit students and faculty during the Career Fair for your graduate programs and job positions

·         Expand the visibility of your computer science department(s)

·         Showcase your school as a strong proponent of STEM diversity

·         Send a message to all conference attendees that your school supports and is committed to the success of technical women


Pricing and other details are posted online:

·         Sponsorship levels and summary of benefits:

·         More about the benefits of sponsorship:

·         Be sure to sign up by July 12th

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