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INIZIATIVA inFORMIAMOCI - evento del 31 ottobre 2012

mercoledì 31 ottobre 2012 ore 11.45
Aula Magna DIAG Via Ariosto, 25


Neomobile- Mobile and Web Architecture Components

Dott.ri: Roberto Luongo (CIO),Giusy Senzatela (IT Governance Manager), Stefano D'Urso (Solution Architect Director)

Neomobile is a global Mobile Commerce Group at the forefront of the new mobile ecosystem. Established in February 2007, Neomobile is today a global leader in Mobile Entertainment, highly visible in Europe, Latin America and India, with an offer portfolio able to meet and exceed its customers' demands for all access devices, from feature phones and smartphones to PCs and tablets.
Neomobile is also a leader in Mobile Payment offering its solutions and its mobile advertising know-how to web and mobile merchants in 70+ markets.
With more than 250 professionals, experts in mobile, Neomobile is headquartered in Rome, with offices in London, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Istanbul, Belgrade, Reus, Berlin, Mumbai, San Francisco, Mexico City and São Paulo.
The speech will start from an overview of the company and its key figures to dive into the key ICT projects of the last 18 months with presentations detailing the IT Governance Platform to support the application lifecycle management and the platforms core components and their evolution to a Microsoft Azure based solution. Some examples of the source code used and of the tests used during the ICT recruiting process could be shown.

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